Brittany Meske

What is your name and where were you born?
My name is Brittany Meske and I was born in Temple, TX

What strengths of yours make you suited for what you do?
I love talking to people and learning from others excites me. I'm very
detailed and I always love double checking my cleanings and sending a
patient home with clean teeth!

What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?
My son, my career and my overall life!

What great vacations have you taken?
I've been to Rome and the Bahamas

What advice do you have for your former self?
Stay humble and kind.

What is your favorite food?
Asian food.

What is your secret hobby?
Trying new restaurants

What is a great conversation topic for you?
My kid!

If you had a super power, what would it be?
To fly

What famous or non-famous person do you admire?
My grandpa