Jennifer Young, RDH

Dental Hygienist

Education, Experience & Credentials:
Associates of Applied Science Degree in Dental Hygiene from Temple College
Dental Hygienist since 2000
Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science University of North Texas

Joined Killeen Dental:

What strengths of yours makes you suited for what you do?
I have a genuine interest in the well being of others, am empathetic, and a great listener. I am detail oriented and passionate about helping each patient achieve the best possible health through prevention.

What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?
Raising a smart, beautiful, and talented daughter.

What are your interests outside of work?
Cooking, crafts, gardening, home improvement projects and being a mom.

Conversation topics for you: All things Travel
Born : Not in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could (TX since 1 yr. old).
Advice for your former self: Fluff out your tutu and dance anyway!
Comfort food: Hot wings & bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers