Kalyn Hernandez, RDH

Dental Hygienist

Education, Experience & Credentials:
Associates of Applied Sciences in Dental Hygiene from Temple College
Dental Hygienist since 1999

Joined Killeen Dental:

What strengths of yours makes you suited for what you do?
I love connecting with people. I have good communication skills with the patients. I love the ability to help someone feel better about themselves and building relationships with patients. I have an extremely strong work ethic. I am picky when it comes to customizing patient care. I am thorough. At the end of the day I can look in the mirror and feel I've done my best. Dental hygiene is an art to me and each patient, a canvas.

What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?
Being a mom, traveling, being able to grow and being able to handle change.

What famous or non-famous person do you admire?
My mom because she sees the good in most everyone, she's taught me practically everything and she is good at reminding me about God's love.

Great conversation topic for you: Cruising, books, wine and children
Favorite quote: "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'." - Erma Bombeck
Secret hobby: Karaoke and trumpet
Vacation: I'd love to take a Mediterranean Cruise
Favorite Movie: All movies. The Goonies!