Krista Perry

Dental Hygienist

Education, Experience & Credentials:
Associates of Applied Science Degree in Dental Hygiene from Temple Collegee
Dental Hygienist since 2017

Joined Killeen Dental:

What strengths of yours makes you suited for what you do?
I was a dental assistant for 3 years before getting my degree as a Registered Dental Hygienists. I'm a nerd about teeth, I just love everything about them. What I love most about being a hygienist is forming a relationship and giving my patients the confidence to take control of their oral health; teaching them to love teeth as much as I do!

What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?
Moving to a new state and making it home and a kidney transplant I had from my brother.

What are your interests outside of work?
I love volleyball, reading and Ireland! I could choose scary movies, documentaries and hockey for the perfect TV day.

Conversation topics for you: My 2 dogs named Dodge and Cali and my cat named Meow Meow.
Born :Not in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could and have lived here for 7 years.
Advice for your former self: Just relax, it's all going to work out!
Dream Car Range Rover